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PhD in Micropaleontology, University of Southampton, 2019 - 2024

The (in)consistency of links across traits, species and communities in planktic foraminifera during Plio-Pleistocene climate change: supervised by Prof. Thomas Ezard and Dr Anieke Brombacher

A study of extinction in planktonic foraminifera species in the past 5 million years to investigate common driving mechanisms and early warning signals; by gaining an understanding of how biotic forces shaped past extinctions, there is potential to predict future extinctions under climate-driven threats.

MSc Paleobiology, University of Bristol, 2016 - 2018 [Distinction]

Environmental impacts on foraminiferal calcification during the Pliocene: supervised by Prof. Daniela Schmidt and Dr Marci Robinson (USGS)

A study to better understand the changes in calcification observed in planktic foraminifera in response to warmer temperatures and higher carbon dioxide in the Pliocene.

BSc Geology, Cardiff University, 2012 - 2015 [Upper Second Class]

Geological Mapping Project of County Mayo, Ireland: supervised by Prof. Bernard Leake


Post Doctoral Research Associate, Queen Mary University of London, Sep 2024 – Present 

Science Collaborator, Neogene Planktic Foraminifera Working Group, Jun 2022 – Present 

Content Creator & Integrity Checker, Sparrow Science, 2021 - 2023

Sustainability Strategy Goal 4 Project Assistant, University of Southampton, Jun-Sep 2022 

Research Technician, University of Bristol, Apr 2018 – Aug 2019

Research Assistant, Cardiff University, Aug - Sep 2014


Student Travel Grant, The Palaeontological Society, 2024 [$450]

Johanna M. Resig Foraminiferal Research Fellowship, The Cushman Foundation, 2023 [$15,000]

TMS Annual Conference Travel Bursary, The Micropalaeontological Society, 2022 [£250]

Joseph A. Cushman Award for Student Travel, The Cushman Foundation, 2022 [$1,390]

Early Career Scientist Travel Grant, European Geosciences Union, 2022 [£470]

ECORD Scholarship, European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling, 2022 [€1,000]

Charles Downie Award, The Micropaleontological Society, 2021 [£500]

NERC INSPIRE Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Studentship, Natural Environment Research Council, 2019 [Full funding]

Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme Stipend, Cardiff University, 2014 [8 weeks]


Conference Co-Organiser, The Micropalaeontological Society Annual Meeting, 2023

Student Supervision, University of Southampton, 2022 - Present

Seminar Co-Ordinator, TMS-Cushman Foram Seminars - The Micropalaeontological Society, 2022 - 2023

Session Convener & Social Media Content Creator, Foraminifera Festival - The Micropalaeontological Society, 2021


Webmaster, The Micropalaeontological Society, 2022 - Present

Invited Alumni Panellist, School of Earth Science - The University of Bristol, Nov 2021

Competition Judge, The Big Bang Competition - Engineering UK, May 2021

Journal Reviewer, Biogeosciences, Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, and Journal of Quaternary Science, 2020 - Present


Article, Neurodiversity in Ocean Sciences - Oceanography, 2023

Volunteer, Bristol Dinosaur Project - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival, 2022

Interview, #WomenInMicropaleontology - The Micropaleonotological Society, 2022

Article, Women in Science - Bristol Dinosaur Project, 2019

Science Collaborator, The Edge of Things - National Trust, 2019


ECORD “Shipboard Simulation” Training Course, MARUM, Bremen, DE, 2023

An Introduction to Scientific Ocean Drilling, UK-IODP, NOCS, UK, 2022

Urbino Summer School for Paleoclimatology, ECORD, Urbino, IT (scholarship place), 2022

Scientific Ocean Drilling IMPACT Workshop, IODP [virtual], 2022

Environmental Engagement in Practice: Public Engagement Skills, NERC [virtual], 2022

Environmental Awareness Training, IEMA, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK, 2022